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Students reflect on this ongoing project.


I believe the most valuable part of working on this year's literary magazine was collaborating with creative writing students to create a magnificent published piece. Working on the Literary magazine was a valuable experience even though it takes a lot of time and effort, receiving a copy of the published piece is the reward for your accomplishments. This is a document that can be used in your portfolio

Kevin Luu

Working on the Literary Magazine gave us the opportunity to see how real publishing works. It made us see that maybe we can get other works published. The course and project is valuable because you might not have this opportunity to come up with your own ideas for writing and the encouragement to take it and run with it.

Nina Gharibian


By working constructively on the Literary Magazine with fellow peers, I was able to cooperate and learn various teamwork skills as well as learn about the skills of photoshop as well as learning to work with different types of projects at once, focusing on both poems and corresponding them to photography. Considering previous lit mags that have been created, I am proud of how we all got together and created the magazine together by using our skills to create a book that shows how we, as students, can create a work of art through our visual talents. While working on this project, I learned to cooperate with different people throughout the production of the magazine and learned to understand criticism and how we should learn from it  and create better works in the end. By creating the literary magazine, students get the opportunity to learn skills and apply them to the magazine through photoshop and creative writing; being able to bring together different elements of art and learn to have an eye for bringing different pieces together to create harmony.

Mary Kim

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