2019-2020 The Public Education Foundation Interns
The interns for the Public Education Foundation are responsible for gallery shows. They are the ones who mat and frame the images seen in the gallery. The interns also create the inventory, artist statements, and name and price tags. They also are the ones who hang the show, host the show, and take down the show. This is a great opportunity because they now have the experience of maintaining a gallery show.

I am Trevor Vellinga and I’m a senior in the WCTA Digital Media program. I have been given the honor of being an intern for the Public Education Foundation this year. This internship has taught me what it will be like to work in the photography field. I have set up art galleries, hosted receptions, worked with community partners and other artists, and have met many great people. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and what it has taught me.

I'm Leslie Gallegos and I'm a senior in the Digital Media program at West Career and Technical Academy. I'm looking forward to this year being an intern for the Public Education Foundation and am grateful for this opportunity.

I'm Grace Evans and I'm a senior in the Digital Media program at West Career and Technical Academy. I'm looking forward to this year being an intern for the Public Education Foundation and am grateful for this opportunity.

I am a senior in the digital media program here at West Tech. This year I have the opportunity to intern for the Public Education Foundation. I am looking forward to what this year has to offer. Think I am going to get good work experience out of this internship.